Thursday, August 9, 2007

Why is Stalking performed?

To those who have never heard of the Term "Stalking" may not be aware as to what or why could some one stalk the other. The below are some of the reasons which have been researched.
  1. To prove Professional Superiority: This is one of the primary reasons in recent times why few strategic targets from some fields are stalked, the number of whom are stalked fully may be few because most of the targets might fall into the trap and or accept the returns.
  2. To prove racial, national or any community specific superiority: This will be described in a similar way as the above.
  3. To create collective mental or psychic harassment to some one.
  4. Matrimonial purpose: In normal circumstances the matrimonial investigation should not take turn as stalking behaviours.
  5. To dishonour the target
  6. For the purpose of Identity Theft: Identity theft is another growing social evil. It is not limited to just stealing some ones name or credit card details, but it is much much more big and may include very many reasons which one cannot easily associate with the term Identity Theft.
  7. To perform human research.
  8. For monetry benefits .
  9. Many more.....
There could and are more reasons for thie but i beleive the root cause why it prevails is the reason that there are people willing to sell their services in unethical means for money, favour or self benefits.

More about Stalking.....What is stalking exactly

Well, in technical terms and considering the precise meaning, "Stalking means repeatedly invading of some ones privacy or harassing some one and harassing the target in a form and manner which causes enormous mental strain to one and or trying to scare the target"

In todays times with the presence of tons of advanced technology stuff along with the big flow of RS$$££ and with the presence of people willing to get involved in unethical practises in return of money, favour or other befefits, ones privacy could be invaded by various means and forms. There could be various reasons why some one would like to stalk a target normally it is done with the intention of helping some one. Some of the below are the common ways in which stalking is carried out.
  • Tapping to ones phone or cell.
  • Having access to some ones phone call records and using it in a way so as to induce some sort of mental impact.
  • Hacking into someones home or office computer and keeping a track of the activities.
  • Gettings a hands on the surfing habits of the target.
  • By social engineering, i.e through the targets friends, relatives and close associates.
  • By means of cutting edge technology.