Sunday, September 10, 2017

My View on Mumbai - Ahmedabad Bullet Train

Recently there has been a  widespread discussion about the Mumbai-Gujarat high speed rail project or bullet train. I am sharing some of my quick views about the same.

Before starting off with any more details, there are no bullet trains in USA as well?

Would it not be better to have a Bullet train between J n K to KanyaKumari? This will act as the vertebrae of the country and will cost less as well. There could be branches along the other routes to other various cities.

The above proposed project is running between a route bby-gujarat where already there are 20 + trains running. Many of them are running under capacity and the tickets can often be bought at a short notice. The time taken for the journey of about 440km is approximately 5.30 minutes to 9 hours.

The cost of a ticket currently is between 300 inr to 2000 inr.

The proposed bullet train will reduce the time of travel to 2 hours and will not halt more than 3 minutes at any of the 12 stations, which means it is targeted to high profile business or political travelers only. the expected cost is about 3300 inr

My logical reasoning would query that if any one would want to travel in a short duration then why will the person not use the flight route which will cost the same or even lesser?

The cost of the project is 1.08 lakh crore (US$17 billion) is it worth to spend so much money just to cater to a small section of the society and there is an alternate available as well?

At the moment Gujarat has been organizing the vibrant Gujarat summit each year and is trying to serve as the marketing state of India, but is it marketing strategically? Most of the investments invited are in land and buildings and stocks.

The proposed route will not serve much purpose for the common man but will be used to mostly sell more land and building to the top 20 percent entities by providing them a convenience of travel and hence increasing the cost of land.

Not only this, in the past couple of decades Gujarat has been silently chewing some of the share of Mumbai's business, and Bullet train setup it will eat up even more of the professional jobs created in areas like BKC e.t.c.

Though i have been a fan of the BJP in the past ,i am sorry to say that each time they come to power the activities are confusing and chaotic with them no different than any other political party hungry for power. In my view trying to profit too much out of land is always not the best way to make money

There are geniuses in the country,who are running the world, can the government get some brains to work to come out with genuine business which by themselves could make profit over the time?

Also as the scriptures say that if the land is cursed ( which it possibly will be with people just profiteering out of it and with debt and other sin money) then the people will have to work hard more to just do away with the curse and that will be the beginning of slavery in India.

Besides do note that Ahmadabad/Gujarat has almost become an NRI state with almost 1 person in each house hold is housed out of India, which is good. But with all the negative energy accumulated in places like Vadodara/ Surat e.t.c the opening up up of the bullet train could possibly diverge the negative energies to other parts of the coutnry

In summary to borrow or take loan  for the purpose of comforts of a very few is foolishness to me.

The above are my views, and reflect my side of the picture

Friday, July 28, 2017

Where Is the Money!!!$$$

These economies have grown the fastest in the past 5 years than any other country in the world. Some of the names are China, Vietnam, Srilanka, Pakistan, Ireland, Philipines, Egypt, Cambodia e.t.c

Where are the Worlds most billionaires

These are the Top Asian economies.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Are dmissions in Singapore based Educational Institutes really based on Meritocrity? If so Meritocrity needs to be explained?

I have applied twice to some courses in Singapore. The first one was in the year 2010-2011 when i was already working as an IT Manager at firm in Singapore with hands on work on analytics. The application was for a data Analytic s course at SIM.. [most likely] ( a basic 6 months course for data Analytics ) when i already had years of real world experience in Business Intelligence area. Unfortunately my application did not get through. When i tried to find out the reason i was told that the admission process was competitive enough for my application to get through. Well, i was surprised to hear the reply as it was a very basic course which i applied to possibly get some knowledge about the latest happenings in the area of data Analytic. So i wonder if the admissions are really based on merit. Since the school was a very ordinary educational (SIM) and a very basic course, plus i had previous expertise in the field already, my application should not have been rejected.

Second time i made an application to the Masters in Project Management at NUS in the year 2015-16. Since i already had a PMP certification with real world IT Management experience I thought i could easily get through the admission process based on my expertise and my qualifications. I was also requested to submit 2 references of work or educational. Which i had compiled with and 3 of my referees confirmed that they had submitted a reference. I personally was able wot confirm at least 2 of the references as well from the website submission status.

After the results came out i was surprised to know that my application again did not get through. I was once again disappointed with the results. I was informed that this year they had reduced the quota to just 15 applicants from 20-30 seats. This sounded ridiculous. So "Merit" Factor based admissions in Singapore courses needs to be clearly defined.

After these workings i have lost faith in most of the Singapore based systems.. sorry to say

Modern Misdemeanors; Witch craft and other technological ones of modern times

In my view witch craft is being used to its maximum in these modern times. I would like to share some of my views and stories. Since it is based on pure observations and no proof ( in any case proof of witchcraft can only be obtained by very strong technological monitoring surveillance)

I would like to share as to how i believe witch craft and black magic has been used effectively against me in the past few years. The purpose is not known but possibly to
1- Demonize or destabilize someone for reasons of Matrix manipulation
2- To possibly make human sacrifices against removing ones negativity at the cost of another.
3- Use of internet, telecom and power lines is possibly used to transfer negative energies ( yes Tesla methods of moving energy could also be in effective use by some telecom companies silently)
4- Other unknown reasons

I bought my hdb apartment in September 2012, at that time there were not many neighbors who were actively staying in the units near by. And after i bough the apartment at least i have 3 - 4 new neighbors in each of the directions. In fact the entire estate was hardly developed. Now the entire estate is developed in a span of over 6 to 7 years with additions of 100's of units around me. And there are possible witches and black magicians who have been given apartment/room to rent or to live surrounding me in each of the 4 directions.

The withces work by eating away peoples lives or brains. If the witch is old then it will eat away your life form. If it is young then it will eat away your brain. Many times it will do both. Often they will give a pretext that they are helping a deity or anything like that. But to my knowledge and long lasting belief none of the deities like mahakali or similar forms never need the life form or the brains of humans. All the 9 forms of goddess are only looking to demolish extreme cases of demons or cruel entities. Any form of witchcraft is pure demonic in nature and used for pure bad purposes which none of the Hindu Deities will at least support. Only Asura or Rakshasi people would do that. There are major faiths that have developed by following the Rakshas Sutra.

Some of the witches target small babies so that they can implant dead souls in them, this they can use for their own good and manipulation.

Often i have observed that in aeroplanes the temperature is made very warm before the flights take off, why is it so? When i asked a few of the air hostesses and the answer i got is that the engines take time to hear up to its full capacity. Or they say because once the flight has taken off then the temperature will be alright and its because the engine is not running in full capacity. This sounds very ancient and illogical when in old times one used to mention about letting the engine heat up. My observation is that it is burning up of pure energy (human life )loss that they  are letting happen so that the witches (may be flight pursers can consume it up). If one has observed carefully that the air conditioning in the the aeroplanes are suited for people walking (who are normally flight pursers) and not people sitting in the aircraft ( passengers). It is more cooler when one stands up than  when a person is seated.

I have heard many leaders talking about implementing innovation and blah blah. My answer to them is we are not ready, there are no checks in place to monitor how these technological innovations are used.

I bought an portable aircon of a local singapore brand a few years back from Jurong-Big Box sale. There was a bigger air con for sale with a higher btu which i bought as my living room was bigger. I heard sublimal message from the sale person that you may grow old with this as you are taking the bigger one and not the smaller on. But irrespective i bought as i needed the bigger one. and unfortunately after buying the aircon my health has gone bad in many ways.

Recently i bought a Samsung phone from a shop close by selling it as Samsung brand (though it was a little over 110 sgd), but i believe that it is not an original Samsung phone as it doesn't work that well at all times and many times energy blasts are consumed from it( either by telecom(through something similar to harp) or through demonic entities. And the shop is located right next to the nose of the PAP office in Singapore. 

If one adds social viewpoints like communism to the above then, it is very difficult to come out of anything like this easily. People even at the lower levels of cleaner looking to move hats and not eradicating problems in their work make the situation all the more worse.

All this happening in a country like Singapore and a lot of other advanced nations makes me believe that we are heading to a technological and demonic disaster for the purpose of pure power/control and transfer of power and control. Generations, views, religions standpoints are targeted openly.

This was not the Singapore or International exposure known to me back on 2002 when i first made my first international trip!!

All this works on the principle of "Ones loss is another persons gains"
God Bless Righteousness!!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Why Investments in the key places of faith should not be allowed

How International Investments that are being made in key places of primary faith of the Indians could possibly enable a faithful persons prayers go in vain or in fact benefit the investors. The faith could possibly be impacted to a large number specifically if the investor belongs to atheist beliefs.

I initially noticed this type in corporate world where most of the top brass belong to a atheist or demonic or matrix belief whereas the middle management and lower management are the ones with strong cultural beliefs

 If one looks at the key locations where Investments have recently been made are specifically places where the key faiths of Indians lie.

For example investment in Srilanka, Nepal, Bihar, Bangalore, Hyderabad and other places correspond specifically to where the key faiths or deities or strongholds of Indians belief system lies.

 By keenly observing how the economics are working, it just makes be believe it will be difficult to for a person to follow any Indian deity or similar stronghold of as it may no longer be fruitful in the near future. I hope i am wrong!!

These are my views, however someone more knowledgeable.. 

Monday, May 29, 2017

The path of Righteousness

"We will Empty You with what you have and Fill You with what we have in return"
an extract from a book on the way Mind Control, Communism and other philosophies which are active in some of the Countries, cults and beliefs (without naming any entity here because such things are currently followed in many countries, entities, cults or states just with different names.

The statement could have good or bad results, but for most of the things could work against some one who is not aware or not matrixed well enough to protect him/herself from the major losses that could potentially cause him/her.

The following statements shall try to elaborate further over this with real life experiences of some people:-). Since these are observations only, the long term consequences could not be concluded for sure, but understanding the immediate effects of it could by way of logical reasoning is not much difficult.

I had read somewhere that in one of the North American countries each person will have a spirit of Osiris infested in them, and if one looks in the east it may possibly be a spirit of Elo..m, enlightened one? or some other  similar entity of the east. Do Pardon me if any of these are entities happen to be deities of any people as i do not tend to hurt any ones faith and these are just :-( and the idea is of knowledge sharing.    

The entities physical(human) or in energy form  may possibly work as below

Some people or all of the people or only people with differing view points and opinions are may be stalked by various means ( technical or covert or otherwise). You could be emptied with any of your good things that you may have and filled with whatever is not needed of preferred people( how does the preference work could not be known for sure but may be based on how well connected or well matrixed the people is) 

*> The spirit or entities engaged  work in various ways one of it could be on the basis of transferring of consciousness, which possibly could mean
a) Life force
b) Brain :- Braincells, knowledge
c) Luck
d) Spirituality e.t.c
e) Feeling, emotions e.t.c

*> There are other covert methods possibly followed as well besides just transfer of consciousness like some advanced hypnotic and other ways

Some things that were experienced by a few of the people

*> For a Home loan, a specialist divorce lawyer is engaged by a bank for. Why must a bank engage a specialist divorce lawyer? A person working on faith concept will never double check the specialty of the lawyer as it is only the documentation that is done by the lawyer in this case. 

*> For other loans, when a person requests for some particular dates when the loan should not be given then those dates are used to give the loan.

*> For medication for a blocked and dry nose, then one is given a medicine of running nose and other unwanted medications . A person will die of suffocation blocked/dry and running nose are 2 opposites?

*> Having the air conditioning or ventilation units modified (office/retail outlets/Hotels or even may be public transport)so that it is more conducive for the entities to work in favor of the possessed person. 

*> One is pushed in a state to borrow money in the hope of larger long term returns for eg financial which is never bound to happen and the persons soul are indebted e.t.c

*> By creating a covert connected or matrixed city or towhship by mean of witchcraft or otherwise.

*> Any good angels, spirit guides or such entities you could be ripped off of those it could be possibly taken off by means of withcraft and other such means

*> One will be stalked until your mind is eaten up by vampires a such entities (also called dakinis) then you will be tried to be guided by those entities or people infested with those entities until either one commits some grave legal mistake or if ones health is targeted.

*> The demonic entities also know the scriptures well and they will work against one using these.

*> Enough mind programming occurs.

*> Often a persons all connections through phone lists e.t.c may be controlled as well.

There seems to be no rule book as to what one will gain after losing a lot into this philosophy, but some ones loss is another ones gain .

 Just a few cents ....

Friday, May 26, 2017

My Views of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor, Possible  affected countries will be India, Pakistan, left of Sindhi Culture and Singapore (may be ).

*Ps. these are my views based on my dealings in the region. There could be chances that my views and experiences are limited to what i have experienced so far and may be some parts of the picture i may have not experienced. However in any case these views in many cases are supported by my experiences working and living closely here.

The CPEC, when constructed will enable China to reach very safely closest to Indian prime places like the western part of India to which it has least access to at the moment. And it should be noted that it is by means of road and not sea or air. Why does china prefer a road transportation is another topic which i could possibly write later. But to guess it could be related to its culture, traditions, deities/manes and beliefs. So in a way it will try to extend its culture far and beyond?

What is it beneficial to the parties

Beneficial for Pakistan?
-Some little help in reducing unemployment and increase in the GDP by a couple of points for may be a couple of decades. After which ??
-Better Infrastructure
-Ease in Development over the POK areas which if it does by itself may cause international and Indian  pressure
-Once Infrastructure has been developed then possibility of economic growth but (the long run benefits still needs to be deply analysed).  

Beneficial for China?
-Long Term Economic Gains by investing in a country which is not much developed.
-A possibility of expanding its cultural mechanisms
-Defence Related- Through the highway and road route, a potentially large number of army personnel could be easily and efficiently deployed.
-Gaining access to Karachi/Sindh which is a key energy area along the global leh lines.
-Quenching its huge thirst of expansion in the region.

Beneficial for India?
- The Cons for India far out number the pros. But a economically stable neighbor would be good as long as the relations among the neighbors are cordial and as long as the path of righteousness is followed, Which as per the current state of the neighbors this is not the case.

Beneficial for Singapore?
-The only benefit which i could forsee for Singapore is a possibility of getting connected to the blood matrix of Pakistan through China.

Beneficial for Sindhi Culture?
- So far it is unknown is there will be any real benefit to the Sindhi Culture.

What are the cons for the parties involved.

-Cons for Pakistan?
-Possibility of long term indebtedness to another country which does not have very similar cultural or spiritual beliefs.
-Giving away access to the earthly key energy points of Karachi/ Sindh to foreign spirit guides.
-A possibility of the rich culture of Mohenjo Daro which may be present atmo Dying away not only in terms of structures but by means of spirit guides/ manes / deities e.t.c. 

Cons for China?
- Potential losses by means of huge investment in infrastructure development in a risky region inhabited by terrorists.

Cons for India?
- Primarily defense and security related as as it will be surrounded by not very friendly entities on al sides.
- A potential of losing an opportunity to invest in its neighbors growth
- Defense threats by means of Sea route.
- Possibility of invasion of an atheist culture very closely to its western boundaries.

Cons for Singapore?
- If the CPEC route is developed, then Singapore could potentially face a possible loss as some of the port business could possibly be routed through the newly developed Gwadar port.

Cons for Sindhi Culture
-Potential of the little left over the Sindhi culture losing its spirituality to an atheist culture.

I thought it necessary to mention about Sindhi Culture here as an influx of investment to a land of Mohenjo Daro and Sindh could possibly impact a culture which is on the verge of dying and if at all is preserved little bit in Sindhi.

Also the reason why a land route could be more damaging than a sea route is that any negative energies can work well through land than on the seas they lose their power. So if electronic modes of communication are turned off then having land access is another way for the spiritual entities to travel or transport easily.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Why is the most important abode of one of the trinity not a part of India any more

Lord Shiva, the primary of the trinity resides in the Kailash Parbat, which is no more in India since after the war of the 1960's.

All the worship and prayers are going to a land which does not belong to India any more, One has to ask itself if we really want Lord Shivas abode to be where it is or we want to have it back? 

Did the kare Krishna movement came into power more after the loss of kailash parbat?

Strategically, what has India done to try to get this back from its neighbors?

If we go back and see if India has really prospered after the loss of Kailash parbat? Though undoubtedly the place is being well maintained where it is now ( may be even much much better than what how would it had been back in India).

Just a few thoughts to ponder

Saturday, March 11, 2017

India is Bleeding itself in various Ways

Summary :- India is bleeding itself in various ways
*These are my personal views and may or may not be true*

With the talk of India growing at a very high rate every year, and trying to be positive about the growth is not really something to look up at, because besides  1 or 2 companies there are no companies known Internationally for being of any value.

'Last year during the honorable prime minister's visit to Australia, his  talks about development of its people and education in various fields with emphasis to providing people globally to all the nations did not talk very big about a country whose prime minister is also talking about recruitment (in a way).  This was disappointing to hear. The words previously used as "Brain Drain" and "Body Shopping" for Indian recruitment companies have really become true to many aspects. With the myth of vampirism growing these are too much dependence on this sector is not good on the long term as it is draining its people. 

The investments in software sector has also taken a toll on its people, software can be termed as manifesting things to reality. Which is putting in life to in animate things, where does the life come from? Life is limited? What are India's investments in producing hardware which is a product if a factory and is considerably less life giving and easier to produce and has Comparatively higher return on investments.  

Most of  Indian Tech companies are involved in placing people ( recruiting), or if you look at the investment companies, most of them can be called Investment Agents ( in a bigger way).

What is India's Strategic policy towards its neighbors? How many of its neighbors are really close and really an ally? From Sri Lanka rounding up to Pakistan, India has made very little efforts to ensure that it is surrounded by people with whom india could have cordial relations.

It is time India thinks strategically about its allies, its neighbors, and try to have some strong allies. Slowly but steadily it is being surrounded by hostile energies. 

And, What is the strategic policy to curb internal terrorism and internal fighting among its people. There are many forces trying to break down India by causing communal tensions among its varied castes.

So with hostile energies surrounding India and also within India ( through racial unrest), these are major threats to the country.

FDI in real estate should not be really considered as an Investment, because in a long term it is a burden on India with its immense number people with the scarce land mass and every growing population.