Wednesday, August 29, 2018

My pact with the universe remains

My pact with, the universe remains...

Any one trying to stalk me in any way..electronic, esoteric, by medium of spirit or any other way, is not welcome. The acts have been causing me great loss in my life and to my mother and daughter specially. The amount of loss could not be ascertained in money terms.

It doesn't matter if the entity is an individual, a govt body, a political entity, a friend , a foe, or a private enterprise or any other etherial or other entities of any one. They have not be permitted to involve in my or my family life.

It has caused me and my family tremendous loss (family refers to me, my daughter, mother, legal spouse).

Any such entity/ties which are staling will have to perish soon as all the laws of humanity are being broken.

Besides, they will have to owe me and my family a 100 million pound a second for the stalking that have been doing in the past decade or more.

The previous pacts remains intact as well.

Ps.Note family relates to  (family refers to me, my daughter, mother, legal spouse)

Saturday, June 2, 2018