Friday, October 25, 2013

Forest Fires Around the world and a Resolution

Forest Fires have been causing many forests and trees to burn in various parts of the world like California, Sydney and Indonesia. This causes loss of nature and many trees to be burn down. This should be taken care of else it would lead to destruction of the beauties of nature.

There are various efforts which are done when a forest fire occurs to try to reduce the impact or to set off the fire. These efforts are not very successful, and most of the fires still engulf large land area.

This needs attention for a new invention to be made which will help to seek a resolution to this problem. Ideally this could be done by means of inventing a Fire Extinguisher grenrade type of an item which could be bombarded in a Forest Fire area at the time of a Forest Fire. What this grenade should chemically do is emit a gas which should react with the fire and help to bring it down. One of the components which could be used is Halon , however Halon is restricted for new manufacturing due to it ozone depleting nature and hence it should be used with care or another alternate chemical compound could be used ( I am no genius in chemistry so do not have an idea about this) .

It is time we take care of mother nature else mother nature as these resources are very limited in nature.


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